Crossandra Flowers These are very common among the South Indian gardeners as these are used by the ladies as a decoration on their (braids) hair. Hence these flowers are cultivated in large
Crossandra Flowers These are very common among the South Indian gardeners as these are used by the ladies as a decoration on their (braids) hair. Hence these flowers are cultivated in large
Globe Amaranth Flowers Globe Amaranth flowers look and feel like papery and artificial. Although magenta color is very common, but there are also white, red and pale mauve varieties. Often these flowers
Ixora Flowers (Jungle Geranium) Ixora Flowers are very common among the garden plants and often these plants are planted in groups or in rows to take advantage of their excess
Common Frangipani or Plumeria Flower Frangipani, as it is commonly known all over the world, (while in some English speaking countries, it is known by it’s botanical name of Plumeria), is a
Semmozhi Poonga (Classical Language Park) Semmozhi Poonga is a Beautiful Botanical located in the heart of Chennai which is set up by the Horticulture Department of Tamil Nadu. It
Rangoon Creeper (Madhumalti Flower or Drunken Sailor) Quisqualis rangoon creeper is a creeper vine with clusters of flowers ranging from pink to red to white colors hanging downside along vine. We can often
Flowers Around us In this section I’ll post the pictures of flowers that we can easily spot in our gardens or in our neighbors. Since I’m living in Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
Following is a collection of Flower Pictures taken during my previous travels over the past few years. Please note that I am not following any particular order in posting these photos.