Cactus & Succulents Starfish Flower – Orbea variegata (Stapelia variegata)

Starfish Flower – Orbea variegata (Stapelia variegata)

Orbea variegata flower

Orbea variegata (Stapelia variegata):

Orbea variegata is a leafless, stem Succulent perennial, which often called as Starfish Cactus or Toad Cactus. Though it is not a cactus, it is known to many people by the name “Toad Cactus”.

This is a sun loving plant which requires full sun to partial. The stems are four-angled, edged with a soft teeth. These are easy growing plants which bears lovely woody-colored flowers. Flowers are of Starfish-shaped with five petals often blooming near the edge of the pots. These leathery flowers stay open for few days and again close their petals. Flowers are completely covered with blotchy, chocolate brown markings. Some of the snaps of this plant that I took from my garden.


Orbea variegata was included in the genus Stapelia as its close resemblance to few of the Stapelia plants.

Star Flower - Orbea variegata

Orbea variegata Flower

Close up shot of Orbea variegata

Close up shot of Orbea variegata

Common Names: Starfish Plant, Carrion Flower, Toad Plant, Starfish Cactus, Carrion Cactus, Toad Cactus, Leopard Print Flower, orchids of the succulent world

Family: Apocynaceae

Botanical Name: Orbea variegata

More Photos of Toad Cactus: Photo Gallery


4 thoughts on “Starfish Flower – Orbea variegata (Stapelia variegata)”

  1. my mom had one of these plants(orbea variegata carrion plant) many years ago. She is 95 now. I would like to get her one but I checked 2 places on line and neither had any. Third party never got back with me. Could you help me to find a way to purchase this plant. We live in michigan. thank you

    1. Sir,

      There are three Facebook groups for these type of succulents in India…where there are many sellers post their plants for sale. Also u can ask the group to show you source after joining in the group. These are open groups where u can find a lot about local nurseries, plants show, sellers who sell these cactus & succulents in your area.
      For your information: Facebook Group Names:
      1) Cactus and Succulent India
      2) Cactus and Succulent (Market) India.
      3) Cactus And Succulent Online Market India


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